My book for everyone

The peculiarity of the book lies in the fact that each chapter is introduced with a poem, which is a nice peculiarity and makes an impact on the reader due to its short nature. A way that splits between short story, poem and novel.

Another striking feature are the illustrations inserted throughout the story.

The story is set in the happy and glorious period of ancient Greece in 628 B.C. in Selinunte and speaks about an object made by the young craftsman Obelius. An object handed down until the 1960s. Bummulu comes from the Greek word 'bombùlion' meaning vase. It would therefore be the story of the creation of a simple container to keep water and wine cool and the adventure of life in Selinunte.

It Is a sea voyage from Greece to Sicily, where Obelius with his family and other Megareans set up a new colony under the name of Selinos. This name is due to the smell of celery when arriving there. A fictional tale that describes the dream of realising a new agricultural-commercial polis through the union of everyone's strength to help the community. A book that revives the beauty of ancient Greece in Sicily.

The story begins from Megara Nisea, Greece, with some misadventures during the journey and the landing at the spot pointed out by the oracle. Obelius goes on talking about the construction of Selinunte after three groups of men have explored the area. The hero continues talking about his adventure in Greece and the Olympic Games, life in Selinunte, his family's work and a dire foreboding

What does this book give you?

The story is in a variety of exciting genres, from fiction to history - making reading fun and you feel relaxed.

This book is good for people with not a lot of time to sit down and read. You can read a chapter a day and I think that’s the best way.

If you are an avid reader you can read it all in one go, because the historical content is told with simplicity,abundance of detail,which captivates you and transports you emotionally.

Why not for students, they will learn ancient Greek history in Sicily and Sicilian traditions.

Learning a foreign language is always a challenge. Being constantly exposed to the language one aims to master is the best way to speed up the learning process. It’s not just by listening to a language that you get to learn it. Reading has also been proven to be a very effective way to learn a foreign language as it helps everyone to become familiar with the proper grammar use, the rhythms, forms and rules of the language. The story is fluid, continuous and filled with a variety of helpful vocabulary combined with a grammatical richness.

The best way to learn a new language is by reading, and in this book you will find yourself turning page after page to get to the end of this captivating story that will engage your mind and help you improve your English language.

This book for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, this story will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress while reading.

What does this book give you?

· This story Is an exciting genres, from fiction to history- making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary

· Controlled language at your level, to help you progress confidently and improve your speaking ability

· Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration.

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My novel

A forgotten history comes alive. Discover Selinunte in 628 B.C.

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