Now my ebook is on Amazon, in English, Spanish and new edition in Italian. Soon also my book. Now my ebook is on Amazon, in En The peculiarity of the book lies in the fact that each chapter is introduced with a poem, which is a nice peculiarity and makes an impact on the reader due to its short nature. A way that splits between short story, poem and novel. Another striking feature are the illustrations inserted throughout the story. The story is set in the happy and glorious period of ancient Greece in 628 B.C. in Selinunte and speaks about an object made by the young craftsman Obelius. An object handed down until the 1960s. Bummulu comes from the Greek word 'bombùlion' meaning vase. It would therefore be the story of the creation of a simple container to keep water and wine cool and the adventure of life in Selinunte. It Is a sea voyage from Greece to Sicily, where Obelius with his family and other Megareans set up a new colony under the name of Selinos...