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My book on sale

 My book in English, Spanish and Italian Is on sale for a week in all Amazon markets. "Lu Bummularu" The potter tells us the story of Selinunte 628 B.C.

Read a few Pages of my ebook

Immagine  Ho appena finito questo libro e penso ti possa piacere - ""Lu Bummularu" The potter tells us the story of Selinunte 628 B.C. (English Edition)" di Rocco Spanò, Marilena Spanò, Marco Mellace, Joann Ferrer, Anna Photopoulos. Inizia a leggerlo gratuitamente:

My book for everyone

The peculiarity of the book lies in the fact that each chapter is introduced with a poem, which is a nice peculiarity and makes an impact on the reader due to its short nature. A way that splits between short story, poem and novel. Another striking feature are the illustrations inserted throughout the story. The story is set in the happy and glorious period of ancient Greece in 628 B.C. in Selinunte and speaks about an object made by the young craftsman Obelius. An object handed down until the 1960s. Bummulu comes from the Greek word 'bombùlion' meaning vase. It would therefore be the story of the creation of a simple container to keep water and wine cool and the adventure of life in Selinunte. It Is a sea voyage from Greece to Sicily, where Obelius with his family and other Megareans set up a new colony under the name of Selinos. This name is due to the smell of celery when arriving there. A fictional tale that describes the dream of realising a new agricultural-commercial pol...

Lu Bummularu in English and Spanish

 Now my ebook is on Amazon, in English, Spanish and new edition in Italian. Soon also my book. Now my ebook is on Amazon, in En The peculiarity of the book lies in the fact that each chapter is introduced with a poem, which is a nice peculiarity and makes an impact on the reader due to its short nature. A way that splits between short story, poem and novel. Another striking feature are the illustrations inserted throughout the story. The story is set in the happy and glorious period of ancient Greece in 628 B.C. in Selinunte and speaks about an object made by the young craftsman Obelius. An object handed down until the 1960s. Bummulu comes from the Greek word 'bombùlion' meaning vase. It would therefore be the story of the creation of a simple container to keep water and wine cool and the adventure of life in Selinunte. It Is a sea voyage from Greece to Sicily, where Obelius with his family and other Megareans set up a new colony under the name of Selinos...

Linkedin messages

 Two of my friends in linkedin wrote these messeges for my book: Harry Petsanis wrote: The language is clean and crisp, very well written with great detail. It is a pleasure to talk to you. The best of luck with your book.  Stephen J wrote: Wow Rocco! I love your book! It’s so descriptive! I actually felt like I was one of the stone cutters! I loved the visualization that it presents!! Good job!

Thank you to all visitors


My reel


A new review

I share with you a comment for my book. I read the story!! Very beautiful and didactic, as prose and content. I see it very well in elementary and middle school, for the historical content told with simplicity, great detail but also emotional transport, which wins you over!! The linguistic research is very beautiful, which leads us to review our dialect with other eyes!! Sincere congratulations!! I'm not a professional critic but I'm an avid reader and I read it in one breath and this for me is synonymous with fine art in



My book to learn Italian

This is an excellent book. It captures the spirit and It is fun to read. It is a good choice for those who want to have fun while improving their Italian language skills. Coupled with audible... great to review and improve Italien. Are you stuck with your progress in learning Italian? Do you find reading material in Italian too complicated, unexciting or too long? Learning a new language should feel fun and rewarding. If you are a young or adult learner from beginner to intermediate level, looking to keep your motivation high and learn in an entertaining way, "Lu Bummularu Racconta Selinunte 628 A.C." is for you!

My book for students

my book for students and for those Who love Italian language.  Lu Bummularu Racconta Selinunte 628 A.C. This is an excellent book. It captures the spirit and It is fun to read. It is a good choice for those who want to have fun while improving their Italian language skills. Coupled with audible... great to learn and improve Italian by Italian writer. Check this out!  

Book for students

This is an excellent book. It captures the spirit and It is fun to read. It is a good choice for those who want to have fun while improving their Italian language skills. Coupled with audible... great to learn and improve Italian by Italian writer  

My novel for schools

 What do you think about my book? would you recommend my book to your students? they will know the history of the Greeks in Sicily, culture, tradition, ancient games and of course for foreign students, they will improve Italian language.

Review in the USA

  I write a review someone wrote in the USA Top review from the United States JF 5.0 out of 5 stars Verified Purchase A wonderful way to learn about the historical Greek colonization of Selinunte, Sicily. Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on July 13, 2022 A wonderful historical novel of the Greek colonization of Selinunte, Sicily, set in the year 628 BC. The reader has the privilege to know Sicilian history and culture through the eyes of a young Greek who founded Selinunte with many Greeks from Megara Nisea. The author intertwines the history, culture, language, foods, crafts, beliefs and practices that contribute to our great Sicilian heritage. In the novel we can read Sicilian poetry. The Sicilian language is one of the oldest Romance languages ​​and unfortunately today it is dying out. Bravo to the author for including the language I care so much about! A great book for Sicilians / Americans interested in learning the language of their ancestors and their heritage. https://www...

Live the Adventure of the greek in Selinunte

Learning a foreign language is always a challenge. Being constantly exposed to the language one aims to master is the best way to speed up the learning process. It’s not just by listening to a language that you get to learn it. Reading has also been proven to be a very effective way to learn a foreign language as it helps everyone to become familiar with the proper grammar use, the rhythms, forms and rules of the language. The story is fluid, continuous and filled with a variety of helpful vocabulary combined with a grammatical richness. The best part of learning a new language is experiencing the culture and diving into activities that will enrich your life and vocabulary. The best way to learn a new language is by reading, and in this Italian book you will find yourself turning page after page to get to the end of each captivating story that will engage your mind and help you improve your Italian.  

Prof. Francesco Saverio Calcara

  Un grande onore avere avuto come relatore nella presentazione del mio libro  il   prof. Francesco Saverio Calcara, laureato in filosofia alla Cattolica di Milano, è docente emerito di Lettere nei Licei statali, giornalista pubblicista, presidente del Centro Studi Usi Costumi e Tradizioni Medievali, vicepresidente del Centro Internazionale di Cultura Filosofica “G. Gentile”. Si è distinto in varie iniziative volte alla salvaguardia del patrimonio artistico-monumentale del territorio. Ha pubblicato numerose opere riguardanti la Sicilia e Castelvetrano in particolare, non sto qui ad elencare le sue pubblicazioni, ma lo voglio semplicemente ringraziarlo per il discorso che ha fatto sui Megaresi e la costruzione di Selinunte.

Nuova recensione

 Recensione di S. Mannu Ho letto con interesse la storia e le vicissitudini del gruppo di megaresi che darà vita alla colonia  di Selinunte. Un piccolo salto in quel mondo affascinante della Magna Grecia. Mi hanno veramente colpito le poesie in siciliano classico, ero fermo a 'rosa fresca aulentissima..' e quel poco di siciliano medievale di Pier delle Vigne e Giacomo da Lentini. Mi sono piaciute e ho pensato all'impegno nella ricerca linguistica e nel confronto con i testi antichi. Avremo occasione di discuterne assieme, sono sempre affamato di conoscenze del passato (forse questo mi mantiene dall'invecchiamento precoce).